Transport from Denmark – easy and convenient

If you need a transport from Denmark to the rest of Europe, simply fill out our form below. We will send your request out to our network of transporters, who shortly will give you up to 4 offers on your freight task. In this way you can save up to 75% of the price compared to a direct tour. At we have enrolled 300 danish transporters who are bidding on the available freght tasks. Your request is fully free and noncommittal.

  • Fill out our form right here
  • Your request is sent out to 300 danish freight companys
  • Do you wish to accept an offer, you make the deal directly with the haulier
  • All offers are noncommittal and our service is 100% free to use
Transport from Denmark

Create you task and obtain freight offers

Cheap transport from Denmark

Our assigned hauliers have their regular daily routes. When they reach their destination they turned the car around and drive home without any goods. If they instead can help you with your task on their way home, it will be pure profit for them, and therefore they are willing to give you a great amount of discount on you next transport from Denmark.

Insured transport from Denmark

To get approved as a haulier we demand that the company have a cargo insurance. This is not mandatory in Denmark, and therefore only aquired by freght companys who are professional and comitted to the transport industry. At the same time it is your guarantee if your goods contrary to expectations are damaged during the freight. All of our hauliers are enrolled in Denmarks largest freight exchange – Cargomatch Ltd.